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Comprehensive Plan

What is Comprehensive Planning

Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) requires Comprehensive Planning, which is a continuous process used to ensure that all students are achieving at high levels. All Local Educational Agencies (LEA) can create better environments so that more students are successful. Continuous planning of Local Educational Agencies is essential to providing increased student performance and quality results. Innovative, exemplary, and research-based programs, coupled with staff development, focused and aligned resources, and public participation in planning, are critical factors in districts that demonstrate continuous growth.

Chapter 4 of PA Code stipulates a planning requirement for every LEA in Pennsylvania that is submitted on a three-year cycle.

SASD's Comprehensive Plan for 2022-2025

Comprehensive Plan Development Members

District Leadership Team, Steering Committee, Subcommittees, BCIU Consultant

Comprehensive Plan Development Participation

Participation will help the District answer the following questions:

  • How are we doing as a school community?
  • Where do we go from here?

Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will:

  • Review and analyze a broad scope of data to determine strengths and weaknesses, along with areas for growth and their root causes.
  • Set priorities, establish goals, and create detailed plans to achieve those goals over the next three years.

Please see below for more information about SASD's comprehensive plan: