Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please see the questions and answers below for more information about Souderton Area Virtual Academy (SAVA).
- Why choose SAVA over online cyber charter schools?
- What curriculum is used in SAVA?
- Will SAVA students need to participate in state standardized assessments?
- What does attendance look like in SAVA?
- If a student enrolls in SAVA, when can he/she return to in-person schooling in the district?
- Can my SAVA student participate in Souderton Area School District activities, such as sports?
- Who are the teachers in SAVA?
- How does SAVA serve students with IEPs, GIEPs, 504s, or students that are English language learners?
- How much does SAVA cost?
- What technology and support will I receive as a SAVA student?
- What is the blend of synchronous (live) instruction versus asynchronous (recorded) instruction on a typical SAVA school day?
- What are the class times in SAVA?
- What home supports are necessary to help SAVA students be successful?