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Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funding

To support the needs within public education resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress has been providing emergency relief for America's public schools through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. ESSER funds are being provided to state educational agencies and school districts to help sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the nation's students.

ESSER funds are intended to assist schools in the areas of health and safety, technology, distance learning, learning loss, and social-emotional learning. Through a consistent review of local and state assessments, the Souderton Area School District developed a plan for utilizing allotted ESSER funding. ESSER funding helps the District serve the learning needs of the community and provide equitable instruction for all students in a variety of ways, as outlined below.

As Souderton Area School District continues to monitor the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, funding allocations may be altered to meet the changing needs of our students.

For more information, please refer to the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Summary of ESSER Funding.