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The Souderton Area School District assumes certain responsibilities concerning home education programs for resident children before they begin, and reviews those programs at the end of each school year to assure that each child educated at home receives an appropriate education.

To read procedures for implementing the Home Education Program and guidelines for home schooled students participating in district extracurricular activities, download the applicable PDF file listed below:

Families who will be homeschooling their children are required to submit their affidavits no later than August 1st of every year.  Families can submit their affidavits by e-mail to Linda Landis, or via US Mail to Linda Landis, Souderton Area School District, 760 Lower Road, Souderton, PA 18964.

For further information about home education contact Megan Zweiback, Director of Pupil Services, via e-mail at or telephone at 215-723-6061, Ext. 10206.