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The Little Red Playschool is open to Souderton Area School District parents and their pre-school children (four years of age.) High school students work under Mrs. Doyle's supervision to carry out a program designed to encourage social, emotional, mental, and physical development. This pre-school experience will focus on art, literacy, math, science, and free play.

Children attend two days a week (Tuesday and Thursday mornings) from 9:20- 11:00a.m. The time may be extended depending on the High School schedule. The enrollment fee is $200 for the year. A $50 registration deposit (refundable if class is filled) is due in when the application is turned in. The remaining balance is due when the program starts.

Please make checks payable to Souderton Area High School-Little Red Playschool.

Mail checks to:

Souderton Area High School
Little Red Playschool- Teresa Doyle
625 Lower Road
Souderton, PA 18964

For more information, please visit:

Questions, please contact Teresa Doyle ( | 215-723-2808)